It will be a 4-day walk where we can appreciate from the heights the Sacred Valley of the Incas, walk through the Inca Trail, be accompanied by beautiful llamas during the trip, all this will create an unforgettable adventure.

Duration: 04 Days / 03 Nights
Altitude: 4,250 msnm
Difficulty: Moderate
Recommended time: April to november



This adventure begins with a short bus ride to the community of Qorao (3450 m | 11 745 ft), located in the province of Calca. This tour starts with a slow ascent to the Chimpu Orc creek, then the small valley of the same name, using an old Inca trail. On the way we can see the impressive crops of potatoes, corn, beans and Andean grains such as kiwicha, quinoa and kañiwa (or Cañihua). Then we will arrive at the Andean Community of Patabamba (3850m | 12 631ft) where we will share a typical lunch (Pachamanca) made by the families of the community. La Pachamanca is a traditional dish of Peru which is prepared with the help of hot stones, which will cook slowly, lamb and chicken marinated in Andean spices and other products of the Andes, such as potatoes, green beans and everything will be covered with earth for an approximate hour, this style of cuisine is unique in its kind, and then enjoy this delicious stew. In the afternoon we will go to collect the flowers and plants that are used to dye the wool of the llama or alpacas, and then you will see the process of dyeing and treating the fabrics with ancestral knowledge that the inhabitants of Patabamba still possess. In Patabamba the members of the community and their families will be waiting for us to welcome us, the group will separate and each one will go to find a local family that will provide food and a very comfortable private room where they will spend the night. This community is known for the quality of its textiles, dyed with natural dyes and iconographic designs that tell its history.
Meals included: lunch (Pachamanca), dinner, snacks Walking distance: Approximately 6 km, 4 hours approximately
During the entire walk we will have horses that will carry our luggage so that you can take only what is necessary and enjoy the unbeatable scenery.


After saying goodbye to our families in Patabamba, we will continue our journey in the direction of Huchuy Qosqo passing through a beautiful path that runs along the edge of the mountain almost 1000 meters from the valley floor which will allow us to have the best view of the Sacred Valley and the snows of the andes like Veronica and Sawasiray Pitusiray, it is simply great, our path will take us through landscapes and communities that seem to come from movies like Sihuas, our first Inca center will be León Punku 4020 | 13 188ft) which was used in the time of the Incas as Tambo (place where travelers can rest and find food) and it is precisely there where we will enjoy our picnic lunch After our repairing lunch we will begin our descent towards the Inca city of Huchuy Qosqo (Small Cusco, 3650 m | 1197ft) through the best portion of Inca road of all South America which will go through a canyon ingeniously conjured by the Inca engineers with spectacular staircases and bridges that made the place impossible to cross is a wonder for the walk. After a gentle walk we will finally reach Huchuy Qosqo (small Cusco, 3650m | 1197ft), where we can appreciate the magnificent architecture of one of the most precious Inca palaces. Very close to this Inca palace is the community that bears the same name and where we will spend the night in the house of the settlers. Note: you can find a shower with hot water available in this house for an additional 10 soles.
Meals included: breakfast, lunch (picnic), dinner, snacks
Walking Distance: Approximately 13 km, 8 hours approximately


After a great breakfast we will begin our ascent of 5 km to reach an Inca protection system against landslides that protected the Inca Palace, again we will be able to appreciate the impeccable engineering knowledge of this empire, then we will continue our ascent to reach the highest point of the whole walk the abra Huallata Pass 4400msnm (14435 Ft.), then descend to the town of Tauca (3800m | 12197ft) which is at the foot of the second largest lake in Cusco crowned this walk with its beautiful landscape, it is in this community where we will enjoy our lunch in the tourist restaurant of the community. Finally, our mobility will take us from this restaurant to the train station in the city of Ollantaytambo to take our train to Aguas Calientes or Machupicchu Pueblo where we will spend the night for the next day to visit Machupicchu
Meals included: breakfast, lunch and snacks Walking distance: Approximately 7 km, 5 hours approximately
Optional: if you wish we can reserve the entrance to the traditional Inca road for km 104 which leads to the last part of this route, a 6 hour hike through Wiñayhuayna (last day of the traditional Inca trail) to reach Machupicchu, for this you must to add $ 185 dollars per person, minimum 2 people to open the route. In that case, he sleeps in Ollaytaytambo instead of Aguas Calientes.


After a refreshing sleep we will take our bus to the gates of the Ciutadella de Machupicchu where we will have 2 hours of guided with our guide and then have free time to explore on our own Machupicchu and discover its secrets having the possibility to walk towards Inti Punku or the door of the sun, place where all the walkers arrive and have the first view of Machupicchu.
Machupiccchu has been declared a World Heritage Site in 1983 by UNESCO and chosen as one of the new / wonders of the World in 2007.


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