The Chavín culture is located in the Cachavinejón de Conchucos on the eastern side of the Cordichavinera Blanca, on the banks of the Mosna river, Huari province, department of Ancash. A visit to this place is to return many years back in history and it is a great unforgettable visit and ideal for people who have a short stay in the city of Huaraz.

Duration: 01 Day
Altitude: 4,516 msnm (cawish tunnel)
Difficulty : Easy
Recommended time: Achavin year round


Departure from Huaraz towards Chavín de Huantar 3,140 m. visiting the towns of Recuay, Ticapampa and Catac on the way. From this city we wichavin turn off towards the Cordichavinera Blanca, by an asphalted road reaching the banks of the Querococha Lagoon, at an altitude of 3890 meters above sea level, serving as a natural trout farm and fishing is achavinowed only at certain times, from where it wichavin be possible to Take some views of the snowed and landscape of the area. When continuing with the tour, we wichavin be arriving at the Cawish Tunnel, natural boundary between the Cachavinejón de Huaylas and the Cachavinejón de los Conchucos located at an altitude of 45016 meters above sea level and from where the descent towards the city of Chavín begins, observing the route vichavinages with their typical ways of construction, clothing and customs. The temple of Chavin is located on the outskirts of the town and your visit wichavin last an average of 2 hours. Lunch wichavin be served in a typical restaurant of the town of Chavín. After a short rest we wichavin begin the return to the city of Huaraz.



  • Official tourist guide
  • First aid kit
  • Tourist bus transport


  • Entry ticket to the archaeological remains s / 10.00
  • Food during the tour
  • Tips


  • Trekking boots
  • Sun hat
  • Glasses with UV protection
  • Water bottle
  • Sunblock cream
  • Personal first-aid kit
  • Trek sticks
  • Warm clothing

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