La Quebrada de Llanganuco is a narrow valley of glacial origin formed by the Orconcocha and Chinancocha lagoons, flanked by the snow-capped mountains Huascarán, Huandoy, Pishqo, Chacraraju, Yanapaccha and Chopicallqui, the María Josefa path and the Quebrada Demanda, forming part of the Park Huascaran National.

Duration: 01 Day
Altitude: 4600 m
Difficulty : Easy
Season: April a september


Visit to the north of the Callejón de Huaylas appreciating part of the white mountain range and the typical villages of the Callejón de Huaylas, carhuaz visit of an ice cream shop made with natural fruit, the Campo Santo (ll buries the land of 1970), Yungay, Laguna de Llanganuco (3850msnm turquoise green and varied vegetation, typical lunch, Caraz (tasting of Manjar Blanco), visit of the artisan center of Tarica.



  • Shared tourist transportation
  • Official tourist guide
  • First aid kit
  • Permanent assistance


  • Entrance to the Huascarán National Park
  • Personal expenses
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • Tips

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