This circuit is located in the Cordillera Blanca and encompasses the streams of the Cedros, Alpamayo and Santa Cruz on the Western side and the ravines of Moyabamba, Tayapampa, Joncopampa, Tuctubamba and Huaripampa, to finally leave by the Ulta creek. Many lagoons around the main have: Cullicocha, Huecroncocha, Taullicocha, Jatuncocha and Ishiccocha, among its panoramic views you have Alpamayo the most beautiful mountain in the world and the most important mountains such as: Santa Cruz, Quitaraju, Jancarurish, Chain Caraz, Artesón, Quitaraju, Paria, Taulliraju, among others.

Duration: 08 days/07 nights
Altitude: 4,830 m. Paso caracará
Difficulty: Moderate
Recommended season: May to September


Day 01: Huaraz / Hualcayan 2.900m / Wishcash 3.700m

In the morning we move from Huaraz to Hualcayán, our muleteers will be waiting and ready to ascend a zig zags road towards the horizon. Wishcash field takes 4 - 5 hours.

Day 02: Wishcash / Paso Cullicocha 4,600m. / Vientunan Pass 4,600m. / Ruinapampa 4.100 m

After breakfast following a path between cliffs we arrive at Laguna Cullicocha 4,400m This is an impressive place, with beautiful views of Santa Cruz. Our first Paso Cullicocha, some call Paso los Cedros 4,850m with magnificent views of the lakes and peaks. Then there is a descent and another climb to get to the second step at 4800m. From here it is abruptly down to the Quebrada de Alpamayo, Ruina Pampa field.

Day 03: Ruinapampa / Jancarurish 4.200m

The Camino almost flat and short by the beautiful valley of Alpamayo. On the way, we will see some structures of ruins and ancient stone constructions. From the we observe the beautiful pyramidal form of the Alpamayo (5947m) is in sight to the southeast. Camp at the Alpamayo Crossing (4150m). 3 - 4 hours

Day 04: Lookout Alpamayo

This day we will visit the base camp Alpamayo and then the Alpamayo viewpoint or you can stay in the camp. Day 05: Jancarurish / Paso Cara Cara 4,700 m. / Safuna 4,250m.
After our breakfast we will cross the river and always with the view of Alpamayo. We continue until our next rocky step Cara Cara 4.800m. then we descend through the Moyobamba valley to the Willka camp

Day 06: Safuna / Willca Pass 4.500m./ Jancapampa 3.400m.

In the morning we will go up to the Willka Pass 4,500m. Breathtaking views of the Pucajirca mountain then descend to the Jancapampa camp where we will see the Andean Quechua people.

Day 07: Jancapampa / Pomabamba

In the morning after breakfast, we descend through the village of Jancapampa, where we will see Quechua people, Andean houses, then Pomabamba.

Day 08: Pomabamba / Portachuelo pass 4.800m. Llanganuco Huaraz

After our breakfast we will take our private car to Huaraz, going through small villages we will arrive at the Portachuelo Pass 4.800m. Incredible views of Huascarán Norte and Huascarán Sur, peaks of Huandoy, Pisco, Chacraraju, Chopicalqui and the Llanganuco lagoons.



  • Trekking Guide
  • Cook (1), Arrieros (2)
  • Tourist transport to the starting point for walking
  • Food during the expedition (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)
  • Camping equipment (sleeping tent, dining room, kitchen and bathroom)
  • Kitchen Logistics Team (kitchen utensils)
  • Donkeys for the transport of luggage and food
  • First aid kit
  • Personal assistance


  • Entrance tickets (Huascarán National Park)
  • Entrance to each place
  • Personal clothes for Trekking
  • Extra meals and drinks in the cities
  • Taxes within the Airport
  • Travel Insurance
  • Sleeping bag
  • Mattress
  • Tips (driver, guide, cook, muleteer)

We Recommend Carrying

  • Wear clothes for the day (heat) and for the night (cold), sunscreen, sunglasses, insect repellent, bath linen, personal hygiene kit, walking shoes, camera, waterproof jacket, water bottle, bag sleeping, mattress, small backpack, front (lantern-light).

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